On the Law

I came to the realization that “law” was not synonymous with “the law” a few years ago. More recently, however, I came to the realization that “the law” should always be held in contempt. Why? A few reasons: 1) because “the law” is necessarily decreed by a ruler or group of rulers, who are always…

On Mass Murder

Murder is “unlawful killing.” Unlawful is not lawful, or not legitimus (latin). Legitimus is “in line with the law,” and laws are rules. Rules can be either decreed by a ruler, or discovered by legal theorists observing norms, conventions, and mores. Murder is unlawful killing both in the sense that rulers have declared it such and most individuals…

On Jury Nullification

Ben Swann just launched a project to promote the concept of “jury nullification” called JUST US. That’s fantastic. I wholeheartedly agree with the promotion of this very important tool for liberty and justice. However, in his video announcing the project, he wanted to be clear that jury nullification should not be used to acquit violators…

On Collectives

“Countries,” “nations,” “governments,” “businesses,” as collectives, cannot perform actions. Only individuals can perform actions. When a government is collecting taxes, what is actually happening is certain individuals are demanding that other certain individuals pay them their “dues” or else either they are other certain individuals will use force to either extract payment or cage the…

On Veteran’s Day

I see no reason to limit Veteran’s Day to a celebration of military veterans. Their “service” wasn’t really any different than the “service” performed by countless people in thousands of different occupations (besides their pay being funded involuntarily, of course). Service performed, no doubt, under the promise of a return benefit. Military veterans “sacrifice” no…