
Nobody asked but … The first people to seek state assistance are those who have acquired more property than they can handle. So they go rentseeking. The rest of us are stuck with both the state and the tab. The next to seek state assistance are those who don’t even want to manage their self-ownership.…


Nobody asked but … 26 Pictures Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence It all comes back down to you.  You must originate, develop, operate and maintain your existence, all of your principles, your moral codes, your ethics, your education.  Everything in the universe is a unique sub-system, somewhat alike to other things of its…


Nobody asked but … Actually, many people do ask, “You call yourself a voluntaryist, so what does that mean?”  Good question, and the answer bears repeating!  All human interactions should be voluntary — I will take no actions that I do not do willingly, nor will I coerce another to take such actions unwillingly.  The…


Nobody asked but … No matter where you stand on the spectrum of law and order, you must regret the outcome.  The victims are the dead man, the shooter, and all of us who depend on honesty from public servants.  I never thought I would be writing anything about the Ferguson MO incident because it…

Peaceful Travelers II

Nobody asked but … The firestorm on immigration mounts.  Although kindled by Obama, the colossal amount of ignorance fans the flame.  Today I heard someone say the phrase “illegal aliens.”  First of all the term, “alien,” is a tortured concept, and since it can only emanate from a territory, an entirely fictional concept, it is…