
Nobody asked but … Statists often cherry-pick Somalia as proof that statism works or that voluntaryist doesn’t.  What are the territories of the war lords if not states?  Obama is a warlord.  Putin is a warlord. Neither honors his agreements,  neither obeys his own laws.  We already live in vastly expanded and severely more complex…


Nobody asked but … We are all outcasts of the schooling system. When you discover this, you are on your way to freedom. The other discovery that solidifies your direction is that you, and you alone, are responsible for your own education. Having discovered these two elements, you may drink from any stream. Kilgore

The War on Fact

Nobody asked but … You may have noticed that my alter ego, Verbal Vol, is running a series on Logic Fallacies in his biweekly column here at EVC.  That coverage is pretty much on the abstract view of logic fallacy, but here is a devastating example of how our government uses the Straw Man fallacy…