Like a Highwayman

Nobody asked but … It is true that the theory of our Constitution is, that all taxes are paid voluntarily; that our government is a mutual insurance company, voluntarily entered into by the people with each other; that each man makes a free and purely voluntary contract with all others who are parties to the…

Re: A Modest Evaluation

Nobody asked but … Let us be sure that we understand how these observations are verifications of natural law, not as statists would have us believe, demonstrations of how voluntaryism does not work.  Both Detroit and Somalia are wreckage left by the failures of statism.  Voluntaryism works everywhere that statism does not intervene.  People are…

A Modest Evaluation

Nobody asked but … Detroit is proof that humans will foul their nests. That the population of Detroit is in freefall is proof that humans can respond.  Somalia is proof that humans will foul their nests. That the four horseman of the apocalypse are thinning the ranks in Somalia is proof that nature can respond.…

Re: Mother Nature

Nobody asked but … Mother Nature’s laws are all reducible to principles. They do not need go-betweens. They do not need councils of elders in black robes.  They do not need a priesthood. One is free to tinker with these laws, but the consequences are swift and direct. One can vainly substitute artificial legislation, but…

Mission Creep

Nobody asked but … The missions of the police and the military are to hold X safe from all harm at all costs.  The problem is that they can neither define X, nor all harm, nor all costs.  And since they cannot, they cannot also define X to the taxpayers.  Instead they continually roll out…