Bad Ideas

Nobody asked but … Lily Tomlin posed the difficulty, “I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else.”  The same could be said about a jillion bad ideas.  United Nations?  Allying with Joseph Stalin?  The TSA?  The NSA?  The Iraq War.  Don’t you worry that the current incarnation of…

The Bottleneck

Nobody asked but … The brain can process thoughts in a volume that is orders of magnitude beyond what we can process vocally. The spoken communication is the tip of the tip of the iceberg.  And, yes, freeing oneself from seeking to control what others process may be the greatest freedom. The brain can process…


Nobody asked but … Individual means a thing indivisible, undividable.  No two entities can occupy the same time and space.  Every individual thing is unique, if for no other difference than the difference in time and space.  If two things did occupy the same time and space, they could not be separate things.  They are…