Lifelong Learning

Nobody asked but … Yesterday I started a new term at OLLI at UK.  My first class is a meta-class about how to build an OLLI course.  Btw, OLLI stands for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.  My preliminary idea is to do a discussion group centering on classical liberalism, but my mentor believes that using that…

Common Core

Nobody asked but … If you laid all the educators in the world head to toe, they would never reach a consensus on what was a common core.  In the small HBCU (about 2,000 students) where I used to teach Computer Science, you couldn’t even get two professors teaching the same course to come up…

A Law of Nature

Nobody asked but … A voluntaryist may frequently talk about the laws of nature in an abstract way, urging that we consider natural law as good and artificial laws (legislation, governmental regulation, rules, authoritarianism, even in many cases traditions and religions) as bad.  The fact is that natural laws are only inevitable, having good or…