Ubi est iustitia?

Nobody asked but … Ubi est iustitia?  This is Latin for “where is justice?”  I have been listening to a very interesting podcast, Russ Roberts’ Econtalk, with his guest Paul Robinson, on Cooperation, Punishment and the Criminal Justice System.  The gist is that even the most transitory societies may impose rudimentary justice, even at the…

Dollars and Dimes

Nobody asked but … Down here in Kentucky, the philosophers among us sometimes use the phrase, “why that’s like a doller waiting on a dime!”  This is a colorful restatement of the even older, and folksier, “penny wise and pound foolish.”  So here’s why I am referring to this ancient wisdom (I’m sure there must…


Nobody asked but … If “might” makes “rights,” then they are “privileges” not “rights.”  This raises the problem that we have no concrete definition of “rights” in a statist context.  I really like Skyler’s idea that might includes reason, which has as much power to create structure as does coercion. I guess I don’t really adhere…


Nobody asked but … from my alter ego, Verbal Vol: We can only see what we now see until we devise a way to see something new.  Cartesian physics gave way to Newtonian physics which led to relativity and further to probabilistic ideas from quantum physics.  Butwe will never know if that which is now…