Whadya Know?

Nobody asked but … This past Spring, while I was the organizer of a discussion group on philosophy, a groupmate hit me with a question for which I had an immediate answer.  She asked, cordially and sincerely, “what do you know?”  My fast response was, “very little.”   I have done a great deal of thinking…

Modern Libertarianism

Nobody asked but … I ran across this in Lew’s intro to Murray Rothbard’s For A New Liberty … … modern libertarianism, a political-ideological system that proposes a once-and-for-all escape from the trappings of left and right and their central plans for how state power should be used. Libertarianism is the radical alternative that says…


Nobody asked but … BI Southeast BI North Prison islands and kidnapper retreat islands excepted, going to an island is supremely voluntaristic.  My wife and I are celebrating Mother’s Day/our 49th Anniversary on Block Island, Rhode Island.  Although the range of freedoms we may take are bounded by the sea (until our return ferry sails…


Nobody asked but … Lifeboat scenarios are by definition, statistically meaningless, extremely unlikely in probability, useless in practicality. Central planners need not apply. Every individual, in every place and time, must make choices, even in the face of boundless unforeseen consequences. kilgore

The Fallacy Fallacy

Nobody asked but … We might even call this fallacy the Facebook Fallacy.  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  One will frequently see another person post in a thread on Facebook, “That’s an ‘Appeal to Authority!’” or a citation of another logic fallacy.  So what?  An appeal to authority in form is not necessarily…

Moving On

Nobody asked but … Here in the Bluegrass, we are currently weathering one of our annular kerfuffles.  Seven of the gladiators for the Kentucky Wildcats basketball team declared a surrender of their college athletic eligibility to seek their fortunes in the National Basketball Association (NBA).  This is, by the way, record-setting both for the school…