
It may take an hour-and-a-half of your time, but if you want to know about rent-seeking, I cannot recommend a better resource. Today, I have been listening to the this lecture by Dr. Robert Higgs.  And it has struck me that the principal occupation of humankind is piracy.

The Taylor Series

The concept of a Taylor Series is the idea that no matter how chaotic something, taken as a whole, might be, there are parts of it that are well behaved.  Then taken as a whole again, a collection of well behaved parts, the whole something is well behaved.

The Problem Definition Fallacy

Any problem solution algorithm must go through a problem definition stage, but all problem definitions do not lead to an appropriate solution.  You cannot solve, but by random luck, a problem that you do not understand.  And that blind-hog solution will probably not survive downstream consequences for long.

Stopping the Flow

An old TV ad cautioned us, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.”  Yet we persist in trying fictions to stem the tide.  The news is full of ships wrecked on those hazards to navigation.  Let’s pass a piece of legislation outlawing fictions, and the first fiction will be flaunted while the ink is still wet.

Better — Not Good Yet

I am reading Hans Rosling’s book, Factfulness. Its subtitle is Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think.  I’m only up to reason #5, and I’m already convinced.  It’s too bad that Alex Jones has usurped the name, “Info Wars,” because he is a malefactor in those info wars.  Rosling, et al, are benefactors.

Boys Will Be Boys

We anarchists tend to think that government itself is bad, that a plethora of bureaucrats are bad, that politicians are creeps — and so they are.  But the worst part of any human endeavor are those who cannot follow objective, natural rules of not invading the lives of others, in narcissistically treating any circumstance as their Xanadu.