Chaos and Order

If you stand for a bit of contemplation, on the edge of my driveway, looking into the first part of the forest, a forest that stretches for 80 acres, and at the outer edge of which my woods conjoin with the woods of neighbors, you will see what most would call “chaos.”

The Good Place

This morning I was listening to an older but still excellent iTunes University segment from Robert Higgs.  It got me to think about markets versus government.  Perhaps we think too often of these as mutually exclusive spheres.  But what if Murphy’s Law is true — that if things can go wrong, they will? 

Causes and Consequences

Again, I will remind myself and the reader that Ockham’s Razor, while championing simplicity, is actually a call for the optimum.  My understanding of Friar William’s admonition is that the simplest explanation which fits all the facts is the most likely to be true.  There is implied in this that the explanation also must be complex enough to fit all the facts.


The “senior official” who penned the anonymous opinion / editorial piece, published by the New York Times, is not a “coward,” but he or she is certainly a goner.  The tragedy is that we should be hailing this person as a hero, not hunting this person like an escaped convict.

Global Gun Deaths

Recently the Appeal to Authority Logic Fallacy has been foisted off on readers of publications, on the Web and off.  Google “global gun deaths.”  This looks like an annual proclamation — global gun deaths at 250,000.  The latest flurry of stories stem from a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).  Through some sleight of mind, the compilers leave out direct explication of war-related deaths.

Cybernauts Bite the Dust

In the past week, we have had two gamers commit suicide, but taking others with them.  In San Diego, CA, Trevor Heitmann left the mortal coil by driving the wrong way, at excessive speed, on an expressway, but he took with him a mother and daughter in another vehicle.  In Jacksonville, FL, at a game competition, David Katz shot many other gamers, killing two, then he shot himself.