When a minion uses the word complexity it is an action of CYA, not a true description of a problem. After all, conventional wisdom holds that if you can truly define a problem, then the solution is forthright. Complexity is not a definition of a problem. The speaker of the word complexity is essentially saying, “leave me alone … you are playing with fire (and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain)” and/or “I am a member of the priesthood, and you’re not.”
Complexity is an ambiguous word covering any combination. It is a minefield. It is the stuff of unforeseen consequences. The user of the word can stretch its meaning to post-describe any set of relationships. Compound relationships can contain more compound relationships, including serial relationships. Serial relationships can contain more serial relationships, including series of compound relationships.
Number one, the wielder of complexity at least understands the complexity without being able to divine the unforeseen consequences, and number two, such wielder understands that, within limits, she understands more about the complexity than the wieldee.
The use of the word, complexity, does not mean the problem is fully plumbed with a solution at hand.
— Kilgore Forelle