The Relation of Purposelessness to Prosperity

Centuries ago people produced to survive. The journey of survival was the motivating factor, but we evolved to be able to produce and find purpose in that production. We felt value as human beings in providing for ourselves and serving the people and values we care about. Today, our production is seemingly more distanced from our survival and the result is purposelessness.

Easy Answers are Not the Same as Simple Answers

I’m incredibly bullish on simple answers.  I try to reduce all answers to their simplest form as quickly as possible.  Simple is cold, clarifying, and enables understanding and action. I’m incredibly wary of easy answers.  They’re siren song is powerful, and can lull me into a flabby stupor, mumbling about and blaming all the things that stroke my ego and feed vices like envy and anger.


Even if you can find the one elite who sets a million mites to work on a billion fleas who will infest a trillion dog’s tails, there is another elite starting a similar chain of chains of chains, a nanosecond before and a nanosecond after.