Peaceful Anarchism 034 features an interview of Gabriel Scheare, of Fort Galt and the underground homebirth movement in Chile, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: Galt’s Gulch Chile, Exosphere, Cryptacademy, bitcoin and cryptocurrency, his underground homebirth story, Danilo’s waterbirth experiences, vaccinations, sovereign immunity, Jordan Peterson, Ayn Rand, and more.
Category: Peaceful Anarchism
Danilo Interviews Mary J. Ruwart, Author of “Healing Our World” (1h5m) – Peaceful Anarchism 034
Peaceful Anarchism 034 features an interview of Mary J. Ruwart, author of Healing Our World: The Compassion of Libertarianism, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: justice, the not so wild Wild West, prisons, the broken window fallacy and the state, modern poverty, economic freedom, battered citizen syndrom, neighbors, economics, private security, love, charity, and many more.
Danilo Interviews Alma Sommer of Sailing Bangarang (54m) – Peaceful Anarchism 033
Peaceful Anarchism 033 features an interview of Alma Sommer, founder of Sailing Bangarang, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: Bitnation, Anarchapulco, Cryptopulco, cryptocurrencies, Pangea mesh network, border patrol, authoritarian personalities, Atlas Shrugged, moving to the ocean, Liberland, and more.
Kindle the Flame of Voluntaryism with Patience (7m) – Peaceful Anarchism 032
Peaceful Anarchism 031, “In order to teach this philosophy to the ignorant one must follow a specific progression of ideas to ensure success. Burdening a child with excessively complex concepts will snuff out the love of learning. Not presenting the child with ever increasing challenges will bore the child.”
Danilo Interviews Antony Sameroff of the Scottish Liberty Podcast (1h4m) – Peaceful Anarchism 031
Peaceful Anarchism 031 features an interview of Antony Sameroff, host and founder of the Scottish Liberty Podcast, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: his journey to libertarianism, the humility of voluntaryists, minimum wage, his podcast, capitalism, the state, profit and loss, poverty, selfishness, thinking like an economist, and more.
Danilo Interviews Tim Brochu of Anarchitecture Podcast (1h15m) – Peaceful Anarchism 030
Peaceful Anarchism 030 features an interview of Tim Brochu, co-host and co-founder of Anarchitecture Podcast, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: libertarianism, colonizing the moon, private ownership of public spaces, national defense, the 90s, infrastructure and utilities in a stateless society, the preservation of green spaces, roads, and more.
Danilo Interviews Connor Boyack of The Tuttle Twins (39m) – Peaceful Anarchism 029
Peaceful Anarchism 029 features an interview of Connor Boyack, author of The Tuttle Twins books series and founder of the Libertas Institute of Utah, by Danilo Cuellar. Topics include: all the various themes covered in The Tuttle Twins book series, Libertas Institute, eminent domain, Ron Paul, and more.
Respect for Universal Law is the Mark of Civilization (7m) – Peaceful Anarchism 028
Peaceful Anarchism 028, “The laws of economics and morality are set. They are not to be molded or shaped, only discovered. The marketplace does not bode well for those who choose to make up their own rules. In a world of clear economic laws, there will always be winners and losers. This is to the benefit of us all.”
Keynesian Economics is a Puerile Philosophy (7m) – Peaceful Anarchism 027
Peaceful Anarchism 027, “A lack of consideration for the future is what distinguishes Keynesian economics. Spend, consume, and become indebted because the day of reckoning and the pain of reality can always be pushed to future generations to deal with.”
True Humility is Leaving Others to Live in Freedom (7m) – Peaceful Anarchism 026
Peaceful Anarchism 026, “Humans are not mathematical equations. They are sentient beings with free will. They must be respected as such. One cannot assume to know what another sentient human being considers valuable or prioritizes. That is committing the fundamental folly of the violent ruler who rules by force and coercion.”