Family is… Forever?

The greatness of family is that you have people who have significant investment in you and an ingrained community. This can offer wonderful support and resources in life. Unfortunately, people often use people’s sense of the indispensability of family as a means of leverage.

The Many Uses of Argumentation

The root of an idea a person has is generally going to shine through when you have a discussion and make strong arguments against their (main) points. When someone has intellectual integrity and likes to believe that they believe things due to reason and evidence … they will be put into a difficult position.

How Game of Thrones Made Me Appreciate Family Values

Graphic violence. Excessive sexuality. Drunken brawling. Betrayal. Deception. Incest. Most people know Game of Thrones for these unsavory plot elements. You wouldn’t think a show like this would teach you to appreciate family values. But for me, Game of Thrones has probably done more to make me appreciate my teetotalling, conservative upbringing than anything produced by the purveyors of “family friendly” entertainment.