Questioning College, Offending People, & Bad Libertarianism (33m) – Editor’s Break 052

Editor’s Break 052 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: questioning college like we question opting out of college, offending people when we share our opinions, particularly political and philosophical opinions, the wisdom in being free and pursuing your own interests, why Hans Hoppe is dangerously wrong in his latest article attacking the idea that governments should not protect “Western society” via border control, and more.

The Reformulation of Rights as Liberties

Everyone and their mom likes to posit that humans have rights, and they shan’t be violated. Some say the source of these rights are God, or the gods. Others say that our rights were bestowed upon us by nature. Others, by “government” (Oy!). Through my study of this concept and the evolution of where my thinking on it stood, I have decided, for now at least, that “rights” are just liberties.

Celebrity Presidents, Voluntary Governance, & Benign Bigotry (28m) – Editor’s Break 047

Editor’s Break 047 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson running for President of the United States, the importance of governance in a voluntary society, what “duly elected” means and non-voters being credited for a vote of non-confidence, dealing with anger, especially as it concerns raising children, and why attacking bigotry should take a back seat to attacking prickish behavior and violence.