Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics

My latest Words Poorly Used blog made reference to a WAG (wild ass guess) number that attempted to purport that a large percentage of undocumented immigrants did not cross a border on the ground, but rather flew into the US, and then stayed after the visa expired.  This has several takeaways, but the one that sticks with me is the problem with statistics.

Their Own Crummy Societies

Humans are naturally envious, resentful people who lust after what other people have to various degrees. The larger the wealth disparity, the more envious and resentful commies/looters become. This is why we need a more gentle version of helicopter rides … decentralization (my solution to everything).

Free Will, Hypocrisy, Peaceful Coexistence, & Ideas vs. Incentives (45m) – Editor’s Break 054

Editor’s Break 054 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: why he’s been recording fewer episodes lately, corruption among political leaders, distasteful implications of the absence of free will, hypocrisy by Judge Katherine B. Forrest, who put away Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road for life, the necessity of non-aggression toward the goal of peaceful coexistence, why incentives matter more than ideas in steering society, the high price that must be paid to satiate bigotry toward foreign immigrants, and more.

Simple Self-Defense Moves You Can Master

Ever wondered how you would react in case of a sudden unforeseeable physical attack? If you and your loved ones were to face sudden and unstoppable harm, would you be able to stand in its way? Modern society inflicts a false sense of security upon modern-day citizens when in reality the dangers of malevolent incidents such as burglaries, robberies or pure hooliganism are just as real now as they were in medieval ages.