The Infinite Regress of the Victim Mentality

Now aside from the fact that nobody living today has gone through the injustices of their ancestors, nor has anybody alive today perpetrated those injustices on any living or deceased person today, and therefore, they do not owe any so called “victim” anything, there is another problem with this line of victim based ideology. Namely, there is always another victim further back, to which a claim can be made for “justice.”

Free Human Beings Do Not Ask Permission

I am not a political activist. I do not advocate for marches, protests, or the signing of petitions as a means of effecting change. This represents the acknowledgment that political predators have legitimate authority over my life. The host does not concern itself with the opinion of the parasite. Shuffle off and deprive it of nourishment and rest assured, it will perish of it’s own accord.

What’s So Bad about Globalism?

So nationalists love to rant and rave about the dangers of “globalism,” which seems odd to me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the meaning of “globalism” seems pretty unclear, considering how different people define it. If it is used to mean global “government,” then I oppose it – not because it’s global, but because it’s authoritarian. But some people use the term to just mean thinking that we should kind of care about everyone on the planet, without regard to politician-created lines and borders. If that’s the definition, then I – and all voluntaryists – would be “globalists.”

True Authority Theory

Interestingly enough the words “authorised” and “authority” have the same root word. With this connection it is almost if one wants to have a command over an individual, the individual does need to agree it in it in the first place. Since no man can assume authority over another man, it makes sense that authority needs to be authorised by the individual.

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Modern day Anarchists/Voluntaryists are equivalent to the Abolitionists of the 19th century. The Abolitionists did not oppose chain slavery because they knew how the future will turn out or how the cotton would be picked. They opposed chain slavery on moral grounds alone. They opposed chain slavery because they knew in their hearts that owning and controlling another human being by force is immoral and wrong.

You Deserve Nothing But to Be Free

Whether you say “capitalists” or “workers” are responsible for our amenities, if you say you “deserve” a “Comfortable life,” and proceed to name anything beyond picking wild berries or your own vegetables (things you yourself labor to create, etc.), then you are saying you deserve the product of other people’s labor.

My Political Objectives

A month ago I shared my result of “The Political Objectives Test” by Hello Quizzy. I was branded an “anarchist” with the summary beginning with this very true statement, “Liberty is so overwhelmingly important to you that you wish to eliminate anything that can interfere with it.” I found the test to be rather helpful in contrasting my views with others on the various topics it questioned me about. For that I wanted to present the questions here with emphasis (underlined) on the statements I selected, followed by some commentary and resources.

The Preposterous Belief That “Wage Slavery” Has Anything to Do with Slavery

This “wage slavery” argument is very convincing. It is potent because all human beings already accept that every one of us is, indeed, compelled to work (in one sense of the word) until one has enough wealth. The “thing” that compels people to work, is reality. No one, not even the richest man, can escape the fact that, if one just consumes and consumes resources without doing anything productive, one will eventually starve and die. This circumstance of reality applies to everyone.