For Preventing Abuse, Public Schools Are Not a Good Model for Homeschooling

Horrific crimes and violent acts tug at our collective heartstrings. When other humans are harmed, we rightfully feel empathy and anger. We should use these moments as opportunities for reflection and conversation, but we should be careful to not make policy based on emotion. Some are using the egregious case of alleged child abuse by a California family charged with starving and torturing their children in a so-called private school to call for greater regulation of all homeschooling families.

Homeschooling Summit, Chelsea Manning, & A Thought Experiment (26m) – Editor’s Break 053

Editor’s Break 053 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, 2018 (, Chelsea Manning and her support for a universal basic income program, government shutdowns, a thought experiment on voluntaryism, why you can’t fix politics by electing better people, and more.

UPDATED March 2018: The Homeschooling and Liberty Podcast

I am very pleased to announce The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, and continues through the end of the month. It is an absolute honor to be involved in something of this magnitude, along with so many giants in the liberty and unschooling world. Ron Paul, Peter Gray, Pat Farenga, Pam Laricchia, Tom Woods, Thaddeus Russell, Scott Noelle, Skyler Collins, and the list goes on!

Question Everything, Not Just the Alternatives

If you want to go to college and still be accepted by your family/friends, you don’t need a good reason for attending. The world will gladly accept your decision and praise you for it without the slightest bit of scrutiny. If you want to pursue an alternative, however, get ready for the most intense interrogation of your life because people will finally begin to care about all sorts of questions they’d never dare pose to a college student or college administrator.

Unschooling Dads with Skyler Collins, an Interview

“Skyler is an unschooling dad of three children and is the editor of the book Unschooling Dads: Twenty-two Testimonials on Their Unconventional Approach to Education. It’s not often that we get to hear about unschooling from the dad’s perspective and I really love that you took the time and effort to pull this book together. I really enjoyed reading their perspectives.”

Climate Change, Biases, Nukes, & Class Warfare (39m) – Editor’s Break 046

Editor’s Break 046 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what, if anything, government can do about so-called climate change, the reasons for his biases against government solutions, why the possession of nuclear weapons are a violation of the non-aggression principle, his new website,, the incessant nature of class warfare, and more.

New Year’s, Leviathan, Free Will, & Schooling (33m) – Editor’s Break 044

Editor’s Break 044 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: New Year’s 2018 and making resolutions to improve your life all year long, the unrelenting presence and growth of government, ie. Leviathan, holding parents responsible for the actions of their children and the existence of free will, how important it is to stop sending your kids to government schools, and more.