Skyler Interviewed for The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit (27m) – Episode 103

Episode 103 features an interview of Skyler by Graeme Anderson for the Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which occurred throughout the month of February 2018. Topics include: his schooling experience, moving his family to unschooling and peaceful parenting, what these have to do with his political views and the voluntary principle, and more.

Schools, Not Guns, Are The Problem

Allowing government schools to continue to exist is a safety nightmare. First of all, you are putting your kids in the hands of cowards and ethical cripples. They ban the decent people from being armed, which encourages evil losers to treat the school as a shooting gallery. If you work for or in a school, and you don’t fight against the “no guns/weapons” policies you are part of the problem. If you help those policies be enforced you are so much worse.

The Freedom to Quit

The freedom to quit is an essential aspect of an unschooling lifestyle. Frankly, I think a four-year-old should be able to quit anything, whether he’s unschooled or not. That’s about gentle parenting, not any education philosophy. But for unschooling, the freedom to quit–as long as that freedom does not negatively impact someone else–is a vital part of Self-Directed Education. We should connect our children to resources in their wider world, expose them to new and different opportunities, and be very clear about participation policies when signing up for things so we have the freedom to quit.

Mike’s Journey, Homelessness, & Fatherhood (1h23m) – Episode 101

Episode 101 welcomes Mike Campbell to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: how he found himself homeless, moving around the Salt Lake valley living in a tent, future employment, childhood trauma and substance abuse, police and the expanding definition of crime, podcasting basics, moving toward peaceful parenting, forcing kids to lie, the natural curiosity of children, free range kids movement, child abduction and yelling “Fire!” to prevent it, unschooling, spending time in jail, and more.