Jessica’s Journey (1h20m) – Episode 084

Episode 084 welcomes Jessica Burden to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: books, living in Washington State, Facebook diplomacy, free range childhood, public school to homeschool to unschool, and back to public school, raising her younger brother, learning responsibility from a young age, meeting her husband through an online dating website, practicing several different parenting philosophies at once, the benefits of multi-generational households, unschoolers considering school, parental displays of affection, our growing children and the forthcoming teen years, !Kung san bushmen parenting, her availability for anyone, especially women, for counseling on having babies and body image.

Cowardice is Not a Virtue

First and foremost, pushing a “legislative” solution always amounts to condoning a violent solution. “Laws” are not polite suggestions; they are threats of force. “Gun control,” while usually framed in vague, euphemistic terms by its proponents, is gun violence. It is politicians threatening to send men with guns after any mere peasant who possesses something that the masters say they are not allowed to possess.


Nobody asked but … It has been a long time, but as usual I enjoyed Cincinnati tremendously.  Cincinnati was one of my influences in my youth.  It was the largest city within reach of my Kentucky home, and it, along with Boston, was among my two favorite European-style American cities.  When I graduated from college,…

Jason’s Journey, and Challenging Ideas (1h2m) – Episode 082

Episode 082 welcomes Jason Marlow to the podcast for a challenging conversation with Skyler. Topics include: Being born in Brazil, Rush Limbaugh conservatism, Ron Paul and libertarianism, personal responsibility, what makes good neighbors, self-segregation, forced integration, political anthropology, the state as an ever-present hungry dragon and how to deal with it, importance of cultural collectives against the dragon, looking beyond libertarianism, Western civilization, the human story, ingroup privilege, and the European migrants.