Don’t Help Cops Feel Useful

I don’t want cops to feel useful, wanted, or needed. I’d rather they struggle to walk the boredom tightrope between donuts and steroids without anyone inviting them into their life. If they are going to be collecting their ill-gotten paychecks anyway, I’d rather they be sitting in the donut shop than out “on the streets.” It keeps the harm they do to a minimum. I don’t want them “earning their pay” by committing acts of enforcement. Not even against my worst enemy.

But Who Will Build The Libertarian Society? The Inconsistency of “Immigration Control”

A popular rationalization for “immigration control” is a coupling of the reality that the State currently “taxes” (forces/extorts) people to pay for “welfare,” roadways, etc., and the chance (which proponents claim is fact) that “immigrants” “will vote to take your freedoms away.” This carries the linguistic baggage of layer upon layer of delusion, but in the end it either boils down to the State being rightful owner of all property, or at least acting as if it were, and violently controlling everyone and their property.

Are Free Riders Really a Problem?

A common objection I have seen is that in a free society, where one would contract voluntarily with a private fire department, if your neighbor’s house catches fire and your fire contractor fights it in order to save your house from damage, the neighbor has benefited from your contract without paying anything. Your neighbor is a “free rider.”

States are an Archaic Relic

States – even in the context of states such as Texas or Colorado – are an archaic relic. They don’t reflect reality. They aren’t a consequence of a shared culture. They are a gerrymandered geography established to let bullies divide the spoils. They are nothing more than another level of tax farm.