Eric’s Journey, #1 Insider, & Libertarian Politics (1h2m) – Episode 097

Episode 097 welcomes Eric Martin to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: winning the Insider contest and his stock options reward, what’s sale to Walmart for $3.3B meant for Eric, running for US Congress in 2012, Ron Paul’s influence on his journey to libertarianism, types of libertarians, cryptocurrencies, future education plans for his children, and much more.


In Hawaii, in the late 19th Century, Mongooses were imported to rid the sugar cane fields of rats.  Now the mongooses are overwhelming, reducing populations of birds and turtles, and domestic cats! The mongoose tale is still a bit exotic, but the story is most often demonstrated where government is the mongoose.


Which is the lesser of two evils — having a lesser evil in public office or having a greater evil moaning about losing?  If the candidate who was the greater of two evils loses thereby, doesn’t that outcome represent a lesser of two evils?