
Decades ago, it was common wisdom that the Hunt Brothers could not go broke if they threw away hundred dollar bills as fast as they could pick them up and toss them. It was thought to be an NP-Hard problem. But the Hunt Brothers did figure out how to do it.

Corey’s Journey (1h35m) – Episode 089

Episode 089 welcomes Corey Christiansen to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: video gaming and their business models, Amazon Prime, Google’s Project Fi, cell phone norms in Europe, taking risks growing up, rock climbing, sibling’s politics, political simulations in school, anarchist dating, digital rights management, Ron Paul, celebritarians, quality vs. quantity in production, his soon-to-launch student loan refinance consulting business.

Jesse’s Journey, and Electoral Activism (1h36m) – Episode 088

Episode 088 welcomes Jesse Riddle to the podcast for a chat with Skyler about why he strongly believes that libertarians and anarchists should participate in the electoral process. Topics include: Libertarian Party politics and growing up in Indiana, alcohol laws in Indiana and Utah, unschooling and peaceful parenting, the purpose of life, his reasons for participating in the electoral process as a libertarian anarchist, Utah’s Libertas Institute, Letters to the Editor, and more.

The World Doesn’t Pay You Enough to be Nasty

There’s a reason why we like to get nasty. It’s a lot easier to start a fight than it is to take charge of your life when things seem out of control. Our desire to manipulate others often stems from the need to compensate for our own inability to feel a sense of agency in relation to our goals. We enjoy pulling other people’s strings because those are usually the only strings we know how to pull.