Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Bruenig-Caplan Debate

“Capitalism” and “socialism” – what do these words even mean?  You could just say that capitalism is the economic system of countries like the United States, and socialism is the economic system of countries like the former Soviet Union.  In that case, I’d say that capitalism is at least ok, while socialism is hell on earth.  Perhaps my opponent would even agree!  It’s more fruitful, though, to treat capitalism and socialism as positions on the ideal economic system.  Something like: the capitalist ideal is that government plays very little role in the economy – and the socialist ideal is that government plays the leading role in the economy.  In that case, I say that capitalism is awesome, and socialism is terrible.

More Korean War is “Worth it?” To Whom?

The last period of open war on the Korean peninsula cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 million lives, including nearly a million soldiers on both sides (36,516 of them American) and 2.5 million civilians in the North and South. What did the American taxpayer get in return for three years of fighting, tens of thousands of Americans dead, and nearly $700 billion (in 2008 dollars)?

Why Not Be a Psychopath?

Those who believe there’s no basis for ethics without a god, or at least a religion, can’t see there’s a downside to violating others absent a supernatural referee. I understand why they might feel that way. It’s the same sort of thinking behind acceptance of government courts and police. Why not be a thug if no one is looking over your shoulder and holding you accountable?