A Critique of Stefan Molyneux’s Discussion with Stephan Kinsella on Schooling

One of my strategies in sniffing out unequal or one sided relationships is to always shift the players around. Lets say a politician asked the question “How do you manage the behavior of the people?” Your response would likely be something like “Who are you? I am not your subject to be managed!” Of course you are probably thinking, well this is the difference between a young child who lacks experience and mental capabilities and an adult. I would somewhat agree, but also have strong disagreement. There is a little bit more subtlety at work.

Creating Millions of Victims Annually

The greatest danger that you face as an American is not terrorism or violent crime or immigration or North Korea or Iran or climate change or loss of medical insurance or any of the other things the media and politicians tell you to fear—it’s your own government and the maliciously evil criminal prosecution system it has created to destroy you.