It’s Not About Hating Government

I hate rape, murder, kidnapping, theft, trespassing– all archation— no matter who is doing it, or why. But my hatred for those things when not done by government employees as part of their “job” doesn’t stand out enough to be noticeable. Almost everyone is decent enough to hate those sorts of evil things when done on a freelance basis.

Unlucky vs. Evil

I don’t for a second believe the person who committed negligent homicide intended to cause harm. Yes he made bad choices, but so do we all. But cops make the conscious decision to do what they do; they intend to commit the acts they commit–acts of enforcement of counterfeit “laws”–in exchange for stolen money.

Don’t Lose Your Way

Over the years I have noticed a tendency for people to start out good, and then begin to veer off-course. I could list so many I have seen this happen to–both “libertarian famous” and “nobodies.” They start out rationally standing up for Rightful Liberty, or however you choose to refer to this concept which (I hope) unites us, but then something triggers them to start following a false trail.

Against War: Standards

The drone strikes in the Middle East, and the Tomahawk missile strikes in Syria, are cases in point. A drone strike is not a sniper bullet, killing a particular guilty person; it lays waste to that person’s home, to their neighbors, to the people across the street who may be trying to help the wounded and dying. It is an atrocity; it should be loudly denounced as a war crime, not praised. Nor can we be certain of the quality of the evidence which led to the strike in the first place.