Julieta Returns, Family Importance, Daughters, Public Tantrums, & Mission to Mars (38m) – Episode 419

Episode 419 has Skyler and Julieta giving their commentary on the following questions from Quora: “How important is family in society?”; “Why are daughters raised to take on adult responsibilities at an early age but not sons?”; “What would you do if your child won’t return the toy he was allowed to play with and throws a public tantrum?”; and “What would you do if your only child came up to you at age 19 and said they were going on a one-way mission to help setup a colony on Mars?”

No Excuses & It’s Not about You (17m) – Episode 039

Episode 039 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Marcus Aurelius who wrote, “It is possible to curb your arrogance, to overcome pleasure and pain, to rise above your ambition, and to not be angry with stupid and ungrateful people—yes, even to care for them.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by mussel_bouy, who started off with, “Have you ever received a venomous insult? Words that stuck in your head? A look that you can’t erase from your memory? Maybe it was on your appearance, your character, your actions? Well it wasn’t about you. It never was.”

Aphorisms in Honor of Liberty, Part Eight (28m) – Episode 418

Episode 418 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following aphorisms written by Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski: “A good economist believes that his role is to improve the public’s understanding of the market. A bad economist believes that his role is to improve the market’s understanding of the public.”; “A democratic state is a device whereby everyone gets a chance to assert his nuisance value on a social scale.”; “A foolish environmentalist wants to save nature from the greed of the market by exposing it to the tragedy of the commons. A smart environmentalist wants to save nature from the tragedy of the commons by exposing it to the greed of the market.”; “Happiness without liberty is no more possible than wisdom without knowledge.”; “Believing that the state can promote culture is like believing that putting a gun to someone’s head is a gentleman’s offer.”; “A utopian believes in changing human nature. A realist believes in unleashing its potential.”

Lauren’s Journey, Raising Kids to Understand Consent (1h4m) – Episode 416

Episode 416 welcomes Lauren Carlson to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: growing up in a small town and later moving to a bigger city; kids and coronavirus normalization; their respective stories from 9/11; her books on consent for kids, parents, and educators; when parents force their children to show affections to others; the practice of forced feeding of children; how humanity has treated children; the roots of human violence in childhood trauma; children and learning to feel and deal with big emotions; kids taking risks and getting hurt; respecting children saying “No!”; and more.

Election Results, Government Failures, Antinatalism, & Parasitism (29m) – Episode 415

Episode 415 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the 2020 United States election results (thus far), local to national; why government failure is commonplace, should always be pointed out, and usually leads to government taking more power and resources from its constituents; the times, places, and circumstances in which antinatalism makes a lot of sense; how government is like a more or less clever and effective parasite on the body politic; and more.

Quitting Something, Nurturing Curiosity, Work Life, & Changing People (22m) – Episode 037

Episode 037 looks at the advice to “never give up” on something that is no longer serving you (see also “sunk cost fallacy”); being kind to those, adults and children, who are curious about the world, even when you’re surprised by their ignorance; the importance of focusing on more areas of your life outside of work; and why and possibly how you can change the people in your life that are bringing you down.