The Price of Panic over COVID-19 (23m) – Episode 414

Episode 414 has Skyler giving his commentary on a new website he discovered called “The Price of Panic”. From their introduction: “The negative effects of lockdown are too often dismissed as small sacrifices, necessary to keep a highly deadly disease from spreading. These sacrifices are, in fact, neither necessary nor small, and the disease is only a threat to a minority of the population that can be protected without lockdowns. Sometimes, when major harms become hard to ignore, they are lamented as further damage caused by Covid, even though it is our panic-driven measures that are to blame. This is an effort to bring focus to the magnitude of suffering taking place around us because of lockdowns.”

Price Inflation, Halloween, Old Politicians, Burning Businesses, & Law Enforcement (30m) – Episode 413

Episode 413 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: why stuff costs so much more now than they did in 1965; whether we should talk about Halloween parties or put all our focus on COVID-19; who cares how old modern politicians are when the problem is their power; this asshole who doesn’t care when businesses are looted and burned so long as it’s done in the name of racial justice; when cops say they don’t make the laws, just enforce them, but also say they won’t enforce social distancing and gun control; and the problem of law enforcement that has nothing to do with national elections.

What We Train For & Poor Expectations (20m) – Episode 036

Episode 036 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Epictetus who wrote, “But what is philosophy? Doesn’t it simply mean preparing ourselves for what may come? Don’t you understand that really amounts to saying that if I would so prepare myself to endure, then let anything happen that will? Otherwise, it would be like the boxer exiting the ring because he took some punches. Actually, you can leave the boxing ring without consequence, but what advantage would come from abandoning the pursuit of wisdom? So, what should each of us say to every trial we face? This is what I’ve trained for, for this my discipline!”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by Throwawaymykey9000 who started off with, “Whenever you find yourself upset, pay close attention to what false appearance/expectation you had that led to the discomfort. This is how you grow as a Stoic.”

Dennis P. Returns, Libertarian Persuasion, & Free State New Hampshire (1h11m) – Episode 411

Episode 411 welcomes back Dennis Pratt to chat with Skyler on the following topics: the shutdown of Rodger Paxton’s Pax Libertas Productions; his multi-year career writing thoughtful answers to libertarian questions on Quora; New Hampshire’s Free State Project; life and politics in NH; how the locals are responding to the influx of libertarians to NH; what taxes are levied in NH; his involvement in building community centers for NH residents; why all economic regulations are a type of hidden tax; libertarianism as a paradigm shift; respecting cultural diversity among libertarians; slavery reparations as federal land divestments; why everyone is owed reparations by government for its many crimes; the dangers of cultivating and maintaining victimhood mentality; Porcfest, freedom festival; Joe Biden on the minimum wage; and more.

Grand Juries, John Oliver’s Class, Edward Snowden’s Residency, New Organ, & COVID-19 (22m) – Episode 410

Episode 410 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from ABC News, “Breonna Taylor grand jury members say they were not presented with homicide charges”; from, “John Oliver donates to two charities after Danbury sewer plant renaming” (Episode 360); from Reuters, “Russia gives whistleblower Edward Snowden permanent residency rights”; from, “Scientists discover new organ in the throat”; and from Newsweek, “Over 27 Million People Have Recovered From COVID-19 Globally”.

Dads and Moms, Useable Organs, Historical Standards, & Unpaid Internships (28m) – Episode 409

Episode 409 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: this_justin__ writes, “Dads dont get enough credit for the work they put into raising a kid”; real_mangle_official writes, “If the only reason you can think of for your children to respect you is that you gave birth to them, you have no reason to be respected”; diobreads writes, “Useable organs of dead people should be harvested, no matter what the family says”; Ocean_faux writes, “Judging past historical figures actions by today’s standards is totally unfair to them.”; and Kaktus_ writes, “Unpaid internships should be illegal”.