King or Tyrant & The Jurisdiction of Fate (16m) – Episode 042

Episode 042 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Seneca who wrote, ““Our soul is sometimes a king, and sometimes a tyrant. A king, by attending to what is honorable, protects the good health of the body in its care, and gives it no base or sordid command. But an uncontrolled, desire-fueled, over-indulged soul is turned from a king into that most feared and detested thing—a tyrant.”; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by answersamir, who started off with, “Its true that fate has jurisdiction over your birth and death. It can also be argued that fate confines you within some realm of possibilities throughout your life.”

Special Children, Prison Bail Inequality, & Disney Princesses as Role Models (36m) – Episode 424

Episode 424 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: MassLax writes, “We HAVE to stop telling kids they’re special.”; tarababygirl writes, “Being able to pay your way out of jail shouldn’t be a thing.”; and ShinyAwesomeYT writes, “Disney princesses are terrible role models for children”.

Alex’s Journey, Digital Nomad,, & (1h6m) – Episode 423

Episode 423 welcomes Alex Horsman to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: his work with; the Resistance Library; graduating the University of Missouri (Mizzou) with a business and economics degree, and their Austrian School trained economics professors (lawsuit); becoming a digital nomad after graduation and living in 4 different countries in the last two years; experiences in Bali (Indonesia), Colombia, Lisbon (Portugal), and Sao Paulo (Brazil); constantly being offered drugs in Lisbon (Portugal decriminalization); unschooling and Sudbury schooling (Free to Learn by Peter Gray); Utah history and politics; COVID-19 and tourism; merchandise business; Tuttle Twins and the Mises Summit at Jekyll Island; Robert Kyosaki and Jeff Berwick feud; EVC logo colors origin; predictions on Trump pardoning anybody of note; and more.

Freedom and Benefit, Toxic Workplace, Tax Avoidance, & Capitalist Ideology (25m) – Episode 422

Episode 422 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: DizzFizz writes, “It’s interesting to see how a lot of US-citizens will bend over backwards in order to argue against something that would only benefit them, simply because of ‘freedom'”; anonymous writes, “What your niece did is right, it just unfortunately means you (and workers) suffered.”; bickerstaff writes, “Reagan ruined this country. By creating the notion (now foundational to the GOP) that government was not the solution, but the problem, he gave birth to the modern ‘starve the beast’ movement that is currently the largest problem in politics: tax avoidance.”; Pascal Morimacil writes, “Capitalism is… a system of government granted monopolies called private property.”

Baby Yoda Cancelled, Expanding “Stand Your Ground”, Black Market COVID, & Free Stadia Bundle (24m) – Episode 421

Episode 421 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Baby Yoda Canceled Amid Accusations of Genocide”; from, “DeSantis proposal could allow citizens to shoot, run over suspected rioters”; from, “A global black market for negative COVID-19 test results has emerged, with fakes starting around $200”; and from, “How to get a free Stadia Premiere Edition bundle ($100 value) if you have YouTube Premium” (Direct link).

Healthy Skepticism, Group Bill, Never Regret a Day, & Vacuum Filters (16m) – Episode 040

Episode 040 looks at the importance of maintaining a healthy level of doubt (or skepticism) toward all of the new information you receive; why you should immediately pay back someone who conveniently took care of a group bill or expense; how every day, good, bad, worst, or best, can ultimately be beneficial; and why your vacuum’s filter is probably the cause of it not working well.


I’ve spent over 30 years arguing about ideas.  During those decades, I’ve learned a lot.  I’ve changed my mind.  I’ve changed minds. Normally, however, arguing about ideas is fruitless.  Tempers fray.  Discussion goes in circles.  Each and every mental corruption that Philip Tetlock has explored rears its ugly epistemic head.  You even lose friends.

Liberty Quotes: Larken Rose, Robert Higgs, Teddy Roosevelt, & Mark Skousen (24m) – Episode 420

Episode 420 has Skyler giving his commentary on a quote by Larken Rose on there being no country on earth for freedom lovers; by Robert Higgs on the fundamental difference between markets and governments; by Teddy Roosevelt on the soulless twins that are the two major political parties; and by Mark Skousen on what constitutes a civilized society.