Political Power-Lust Thrives in a Democracy

Under democracy, politicians are less candid about their motives; they need us to like them, and power-hunger is not likeable. But given its ubiquity throughout most of political history, can we really believe that the motive of power-hunger is no longer paramount? One of my favorite political insiders privately calls politicians of both parties “psychopaths”–and he’s on to something. Rising high on the pyramid of power is hard unless the love of power fuels your ascent.

The Malevolence of The Right

As a libertarian, I consider myself outside of the “political spectrum” of left versus right. That said, if I must partner with either a liberal whose greatest sin is his willingness to steal money for humanitarian endeavors or a conservative who gleefully calls for the kidnapping and caging of peaceful people because they grow plants or ingest chemicals of which he does not approve, I will choose the liberal.

Authority and Morality

The decisions people make and the directions that people go in may in the end not serve them or lead to the kind of results that they want, but that is for each person to discover on their own. Advice can be given, suggestions can be made, but ultimately each person must walk their own path themselves. To try to play games of authority is to attempt to ignore all of this.