What’s So Bad about Globalism?

So nationalists love to rant and rave about the dangers of “globalism,” which seems odd to me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the meaning of “globalism” seems pretty unclear, considering how different people define it. If it is used to mean global “government,” then I oppose it – not because it’s global, but because it’s authoritarian. But some people use the term to just mean thinking that we should kind of care about everyone on the planet, without regard to politician-created lines and borders. If that’s the definition, then I – and all voluntaryists – would be “globalists.”

Freedom is More Important Than Fear

A pit bull biting a child does not mean that pit bulls should be banned. A Tesla automobile getting into an accident does not mean that Teslas should be banned. A person falling off a ski lift does not mean that ski lifts should be banned. An immigrant committing a crime does not mean that immigrants should be banned. A Muslim committing an act of terror does not mean that Muslims should be banned. The list of examples is as long as there are things and people which some authoritarians would like to ban.

True Authority Theory

Interestingly enough the words “authorised” and “authority” have the same root word. With this connection it is almost if one wants to have a command over an individual, the individual does need to agree it in it in the first place. Since no man can assume authority over another man, it makes sense that authority needs to be authorised by the individual.

What Does Democracy Look Like, Actually?

Occupy Wall Street’s resurrection of the old chant — “this is what democracy looks like!” — rings new in the ears of some, but raises old worries in the minds of others: Fear of tyranny of the majority. Fear of the crowd’s imposition of its will on the minority merely because “there are more of us than there are of them.” Fear that “democracy” may come down to two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. Such fears are not unreasonable. “The will of the majority” is a common excuse for forcing things onto others.

Oppression: Symptoms and Causes

It doesn’t take any great perceptiveness or astute powers of observation to notice that a lot is wrong with the world today. But if those loudly reporting the “wrongness” aren’t also aware of the root causes, and what can be done to actually change things, then mostly the message just becomes frustrating and depressing to listen to. And if people continually express righteous anger and indignation at the injustice they see, only to then propose pointless, worthless solutions—or no solutions at all—that doesn’t really help.

Attitudes Toward Power: Boromir vs. Gandalf

“With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly… Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me! I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe, unused. The wish to wield it would be too great for my strength. I shall have such need of it. Great perils lie before me.”

The Magic Trick of Authority

If you approach a magic trick from the assumption that there is no magic, then your perspective of the trick changes and more often than not the deception becomes readily obvious. Rather than being a mystical art of unknown power, it becomes a puzzle to be solved, and you begin to see the misleading movements and the subtle slight of hand that compose the trick, rather than only the finishing prestige designed to leave you in wonder. The same applies to the idea of the state.

Most People Act in a Peaceful, Friendly, Voluntary Way

What you personally experience on a daily basis is a far more accurate indication of reality than what you will see or hear almost anywhere else, including right here. I talk about examples of authoritarian evil and injustice all the time, and there is certainly no shortage of examples. But hearing about that so often can make one feel depressed, overwhelmed, discouraged and hopeless. So I’m flinging this message out there to give a bit of balance.