Is Secession by Referendum Libertarian?

My concerns about group (not individual) secession are over the process of peaceful separation, namely, the referendum. Libertarians have long criticized political democracy — that is, the settling of “public” matters by majority vote either directly or through so-called representatives — as inherently violative of individual rights. By what authority does a majority lord it over a minority? Well, doesn’t this critique apply to referenda on secession?

Anarchist Mom Krista’s Journey (1h29m) – Episode 080

Episode 080 welcomes Krista Norton to the podcast for a chat with Skyler and Morgan. Topics covered include: being a regular mom and radical anarchist, her need and enjoyment of structure (school), her diplomatic and dual nature, obsessive compulsive lite, balancing both sides of oneself (gray Jedi), conservatism to libertarianism, “What gives you the right?”, 2012 election and Ron Paul, Bastiat and The Law, reconciling opposing beliefs, embracing the anarchist label, the pledge of allegiance, Mormon patriotism, and more.