Words Poorly Used #127 — Secrecy, Security, Privacy

These three words, secrecy, security, and privacy, are thrown about, often with an intent to imply relationship among them.  But none of them actually imply the others or any combination of the others.  the critical element for each is whether they are legitimate provinces of the state, and in the hands of the state, are they appropriately administered.  Let’s look at each as a standalone entity.

Ian’s Journey, Communal Living, & Nonviolent Communication (1h10m) – Episode 090

Episode 090 welcomes Ian Mayes to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: libertarian socialism / post-left anarchism and voluntaryism, Max Stirner and egoism, authoritarian parenting, “Taking Children Seriously” movement, living in egalitarian communes, intentional communities, nonviolent communication, Carl Rogers, ideological meetups, trademark-based censorship, Star Trek, and much more.

Corey’s Journey (1h35m) – Episode 089

Episode 089 welcomes Corey Christiansen to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: video gaming and their business models, Amazon Prime, Google’s Project Fi, cell phone norms in Europe, taking risks growing up, rock climbing, sibling’s politics, political simulations in school, anarchist dating, digital rights management, Ron Paul, celebritarians, quality vs. quantity in production, his soon-to-launch student loan refinance consulting business.