Re: On GMO Labeling

It strikes me as somewhat arbitrary to declare that “a genetically-modified carrot is no longer a carrot.” What about a crossbreed carrot? Would that also be sufficient grounds for a civil suit for “mislabeling” a product? Thanks to government, we have seen all manner of this nonsense which is why we have “cheese food” instead of cheese and “soy beverage” instead of soy milk. If someone makes the specific claim that their carrots are not genetically-modified when they are, such a claim should be subject to challenge, but is the scope of common words really so rigid that it should be subject to litigation? I see no problem with having not only cow milk and goat milk, but coconut milk, soy milk, and rice milk. Likewise, I see room for all manner of carrots, from those that are natural and wild to those that are intentionally and intricately designed. I don’t think we need more laws or more lawsuits — we need consumers who ask smarter questions.


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Parrish Miller has worked as a web designer, policy analyst, blogger, journalist, digital media manager, and social media marketing consultant. Having been largely cured of his political inclinations, he now finds philosophy more interesting than politics and is focused particularly on alternative ideas such as counter-economics, agorism, voluntaryism, and unschooling.