Parent Partnership, Statism, Historical Indoctrination, & Socialism’s Appeal (30m) – Editor’s Break 069

Editor’s Break 069 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: being our child’s partner through difficult challenges, like getting pregnant at a young age; the undesirability, unnecessity, and avoidable nature of statism; how government schools indoctrinate, particularly through teaching history; the rhetorical appeal of socialism; and more.

Propaganda, Interventionism, Free Expression, and “Yes” Parenting (35m) – Editor’s Break 068

Editor’s Break 068 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: free speech and propaganda, government intervention trying to solve real or fake socio-economic problems, the importance of free expression and why coercively prohibiting it can lead to violence, the unschooling parent’s goal of saying “Yes!” to their children as often as possible, advice to the world to not hurt people, to not take their stuff, and to not ask permission, and more.

Childhood Autonomy, Revoking Consent, Dangerous Cults, & Opting-Out (27m) – Editor’s Break 067

Editor’s Break 067 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: respecting his children’s autonomy and how that will impact today and tomorrow’s culture, the importance of protecting consent and the revocation of consent, and potential penalties for doing so, “no action is heinous enough to merit the forceful removal of the rights of innocent people”, the characteristics of the kind of dangerous cult that society should not tolerate, and why he’s chosen to opt-out of government.

Community Service Bill, Punching Nazis, Constitution as Socialism, & My Ethical Framework (39m) – Editor’s Break 065

Editor’s Break 065 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: his Utah bill to allow community service in lieu of paying a fine for an infraction or misdemeanor, the morality of punching neo-Nazis, why constitutionalism is a pure manifestation of socialism, why slavery is wrong according to his ethical framework, and more.

2nd Amendment, Voluntaryism, Laws Create Crime, & Pushing Boundaries (36m) – Editor’s Break 064

Editor’s Break 064 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the so-called Founding Fathers and the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, what voluntaryism is all about, why laws create more crime than they deter and how to adequately deter criminal behavior, creative verse destructive actions, the importance of pushing boundaries and civil disobedience, and more.

Welfare & Open Borders, Jurisdiction and Violent Crimes, & #MeToo Backlash (35m) – Editor’s Break 063

Editor’s Break 063 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: immigration, open borders, and the welfare state, and why increasing immigration control is not a libertarian solution to the supposed problem of immigrants exploiting the welfare state, why jurisdiction matters on claims of statutes violations, even for violent crimes, his fear of backlash against women due to the #MeToo movement, and more.

Conservative or Liberal?, Guns, Feminism, & Quitting Things (34m) – Editor’s Break 062

Editor’s Break 062 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: having a foundation in principle, whether he’s a conservative or a liberal, the importance of disarming society toward an authoritarian agenda, what feminism is and if he wears that label, childism, why we quit things and why the desire for children to quit things should be respected, and more.

Abortion, Gun Control, Phone Spying, & Trump’s Militarism (27m) – Editor’s Break 060

Editor’s Break 060 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the distinction of libertarian political philosophy from libertarian legal philosophy, the practice of abortion, where he comes down personally on the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, Walter Block’s evictionism compromise, Richard Dawkins on gun control, the FBI on the possibility of China spying on Americans through their phones, and Trump’s insane militarism.