Proper Parenting, Libertas Institute, Immigrants, & Relationships (30m) – Editor’s Break 057

Editor’s Break 057 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: proper parenting practices and supporting our children in their choices, the efforts of the Libertas Institute of Utah for the 2018 legislative session, why immigrants are great people, and so-called illegal immigrants even more so, military parades, school abuse, why every relationship is an exchange and the importance of only maintaining beneficial relationships, and more.

Familial Obligations, Immigration, & Incestuous Relationships (32m) – Editor’s Break 056

Editor’s Break 056 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the obligations children have toward their elderly parents, his commitment and the importance of providing a multi-generational household for his children and grandchildren, the phenomenon of immigration and the crimes committed by immigrants and refugees, and whether or not incestuous relationships and their reproduction should be considered crimes.

Free Will, Hypocrisy, Peaceful Coexistence, & Ideas vs. Incentives (45m) – Editor’s Break 054

Editor’s Break 054 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: why he’s been recording fewer episodes lately, corruption among political leaders, distasteful implications of the absence of free will, hypocrisy by Judge Katherine B. Forrest, who put away Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road for life, the necessity of non-aggression toward the goal of peaceful coexistence, why incentives matter more than ideas in steering society, the high price that must be paid to satiate bigotry toward foreign immigrants, and more.

Homeschooling Summit, Chelsea Manning, & A Thought Experiment (26m) – Editor’s Break 053

Editor’s Break 053 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, 2018 (, Chelsea Manning and her support for a universal basic income program, government shutdowns, a thought experiment on voluntaryism, why you can’t fix politics by electing better people, and more.

Questioning College, Offending People, & Bad Libertarianism (33m) – Editor’s Break 052

Editor’s Break 052 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: questioning college like we question opting out of college, offending people when we share our opinions, particularly political and philosophical opinions, the wisdom in being free and pursuing your own interests, why Hans Hoppe is dangerously wrong in his latest article attacking the idea that governments should not protect “Western society” via border control, and more.

Shitholes, Due Process, Young People, & #NotMe (31m) – Editor’s Break 050

Editor’s Break 050 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: shitholes and the people who want to leave them, getting triggered into advocating for state action, why not requiring evidence of jurisdiction is a violation of due process, advice to young people on doing what they love and doing it on their own, not allowing victimization to enter your identity, and more.