Kids’ Choices, Heartless, Atheists and a Dying Child, & White Privilege (21m) – Editor’s Break 078

Editor’s Break 078 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: giving kids choices and thereby improving their future; whether or not it is accurate to say that libertarians are heartless; how an atheist would answer a question about Heaven by their dying child; the existence of white privilege, in-group privilege, and political privilege; and more.

Violence, Aggression, Gun Control, Talking Back, & Unschooling as Abuse (30m) – Editor’s Break 077

Editor’s Break 077 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: are libertarians opposed to violence?; what he hates the most: aggression; why state gun control in any degree is a violation of the right to bear arms; whether or not children have a right to “talk back” to their parents, and the importance in doing so; why he unschools to hide his “abuse” of his children; and more.

Love of Wisdom, Robin Hood, Civilized Behavior, & Shadow Profiles (34m) – Editor’s Break 075

Editor’s Break 075 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what philosophy is, what wisdom is, what politics is; who Robin Hood was and why we need more ethical outlaws; why calling for gun control is not engaging in civilized behavior; the legitimacy of Facebook creating and maintaining “shadow profiles” in their database; and more.

Fatherhood, Red & Blue, Backpage/Silk Road, Education vs. Schooling (22m) – Editor’s Break 074

Editor’s Break 074 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what fathers need to do so that their children will always talk to and confide in them; inconsistencies among right-wing (red) and left-wing (blue) politics regarding their views on government and gun control; a short look at the and Silk Road shutdowns; the difference between education and schooling; and more.

Good Parenting, MYOB, Spitting Toddlers, & Russian Propaganda (28m) – Editor’s Break 073

Editor’s Break 073 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what good parenting is; why it’s important to mind your own business and how to balance that with community vigilance; how to deal with misbehavior, such as a toddler spitting on your face; the courage in sticking with your principles, especially when it means standing alone; whether or not we should be concerned with Russian propaganda and election meddling; and more.

Free Range Kids Law, Smartphone Zombies, Self-Ownership, & Media Narratives (35m) – Editor’s Break 072

Editor’s Break 072 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the new “free range kids” law passed in Utah and what that may mean for kids and parents; the phenomenon of smartphone users looking like zombies and what this has to do with the uncanny valley problem in animation and robotics; the foundational principles of libertarianism, which are self-ownership and non-aggression; why various media outlets give certain perspectives more spotlight than other perspectives; and more.

Few Libertarians?, Law Enforcement Culpability, & Not Feminism (35m) – Editor’s Break 071

Editor’s Break 071 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: why there are seemingly so few people who identify as someone who believes in the philosophy of liberty; who holds more culpability for aggression that is the result of bad laws, policymakers or law enforcement?; a challenging and enlightening look at motherhood, birth control, and abortion from a feminist perspective; and more.

Children’s Friends, Bullied Children, Adult Children-Parent Dynamics, & Raising Genders Equally (29m) Editor’s Break 070

Editor’s Break 070 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether or not we should allow our teenage children to befriend homosexuals, how to help a child who’s being bullied at school, why adult children may never wish to see their parents again, three ways to raise both male and female children equally, and more.