When Everyone Around You Wants to Restrict Freedom

Written by Yaël Ossowski for TheStatelessMan.com. There are common sentiments which befall those who attempt to inform others of the excesses and abuses of government force. Despite campaigning on the virtues of personal liberty in the political realm, recommending books, literature, and videos in social settings, and bringing forward economic data, historical comparisons, and empirically-tested…

The Right to Self-Defense

Written by Andrew Napolitano for LewRockwell.com. In all the noise caused by the Obama administration’s direct assault on the right of every person to keep and bear arms, the essence of the issue has been drowned out. The president and his big-government colleagues want you to believe that only the government can keep you free…

The Separation of X and State

Written by Rollo McFloogle for Inside McFloogle’s Mind. While reading The Privatization of Roads and Highways, the author, Walter Block, discusses the unwillingness of people to even begin to think about the complete privatization of roads, which are widely considered to be a public good. The point of the book is to quell these concerns…

The Methods of Nonviolent Action

Written by Gene Sharp, as published at PeaceMagazine.org. The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion FORMAL STATEMENTS Public speeches Letters of opposition or support Declarations by organizations and institutions Signed public declarations Declarations of indictment and intention Group or mass petitions COMMUNICATIONS WITH A WIDER AUDIENCE Slogans, caricatures, and symbols Banners, posters, and displayed communications…

To Free One’s Mind

Written by Jeffrey Tucker for FEE.org. People often ask me, “When did you become an anarchist?” It’s not an easy question to answer. Deep changes in one’s intellectual outlook do not happen overnight. You first entertain the idea. Then you assess its plausibility. You might even embrace the idea fully, but only in the abstract.…

What’s Immoral for the Private Goose Is Moral for the Government Gander?

Written by Robert Higgs for Independent.org. Why do so many people consider certain actions to be immoral if taken by private persons, but not immoral—perhaps even morally praiseworthy—if taken by government officials? One possibility is that people have become accustomed to government officials’ taking certain actions (e.g., getting income by insisting that people either hand…