The Hidden Fallacies Behind Intervention

Guest post by Clarence B. Carson. The necessity for government to intervene in the economic realm is widely accepted today. The media of communication frequently report interventionist measures in much the same manner as they do natural occurrences. Television anchor men announce the latest intervention in the same tones that weathermen predict the winds tomorrow…

What is Economics?

Guest post by Percy L. Greaves. Economics is sometimes thought of as a very dry and dismal subject dealing with dusty tomes of statistics about material goods and services. Economics is not a dry subject. It is not a dismal subject. It is not about statistics. It is about human life. It is about the…

Can Hemp Save the World?

Guest post by nutiva. Hemp is easily grown without pesticides or herbicides, and besides its tasty nut it yields a strong fiber used for cloth, paper, construction, plastics and auto parts, and countless other applications. It’s an extremely versatile and hardy plant, with many uses and is known as one of the most nutritious foods…

A Four-Step Health-Care Solution

Guest post by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. It’s true that the U.S. health care system is a mess, but this demonstrates not market but government failure. To cure the problem requires not different or more government regulations and bureaucracies, as self-serving politicians want us to believe, but the elimination of all existing government controls.It’s time to get…