Cannabis to the Rescue

If everyone approached everyone else on a basis of mutual consent, then we wouldn’t have laws that would have kept this person a lifetime patient of the medical-industrial complex. Down with drug laws. They are a violation of our rights, and often times sentence people to a lifetime of misery. Spread this story far and…

Chapter 15 – Why Socialism Must Fail

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section Three – Chapter 14 – “Historical Capitalism vs. the Free Market” by Richard Ebeling 15 Why Socialism Must Fail by Hans-Hermann Hoppe Socialism and capitalism* offer radically different solutions to the problem posed by scarcity: everybody can’t have everything they want when they want it, so how can we effectively…

Chapter 11 – I, Pencil

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section Two – Chapter 10 – “Secular Theocracy” by David J. Theroux 11 I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read I am a lead pencil – the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that’s all…

Chapter 16 – Agorist Living

Table of ContentsPrevious – Section Three – Chapter 15 – “Why Socialism Must Fail” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe 16 Agorist Living by Nicholas Hooton The idea of joining the Libertarian Party tempted me years ago when I first discovered libertarian philosophy, as I’m sure it has tempted many before and since. The Party website stared me…