Give the Gift of Courage

The empty dancefloor. The waiting mic at the start of karaoke. The waitful audience.

Few things can strike more terror into the heart. But few things give us more opportunity to help our neighbors.

You see, almost all humans *want* to be able to speak those words, dance those moves, or sing that song. But most of us are paralyzed in fear – until someone steps up and steps out.

You know how it works – if you’re at the company Christmas party, you want your more outgoing (or your more intoxicated coworkers) to take the mic for karaoke first. Then maybe – just maybe – you’ll feel comfortable and trusting enough to go out yourself.

What if you became the person to give courage, instead of the person to just take it?

For one thing, you’d find yourself feeling more courage. There’s a paradoxical boost in confidence and self-esteem that comes with being one of the first people to wander out into the unknown.

But more importantly, you’ll find opportunities for meaning and growth in more places. Because for every opportunity you take to become more courageous yourself, your action will echo out to more of the people around you. Your courage will make others courageous. That’s a superpower.

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James Walpole is a writer, startup marketer, intellectual explorer, and perpetual apprentice. He opted out of college to join the Praxis startup apprenticeship program and currently manages marketing and communications at bitcoin payment technology company BitPay. He writes daily at