Free-Market Healthcare Solutions Are Already in Place

Guest post by Riley Risto.

How many health care professionals would trade a small portion of their incomes or leisure time for the satisfaction of joyfully practicing their craft without worrying about malpractice lawsuits or insurance collection? Apparently enough of them to staff at least 1,200 clinics throughout the USA. The DVC has a part-time, volunteer staff of dozens of professionals which further leads us to ask: if there are tens of thousands of doctors nationwide willing to give time and talent to help others, and myriad private, for-profit corporations willing to sponsor such activities at no small expense, why do we need government in the healthcare business at all? Could it be possible for a system of spontaneous organization, motivated by nothing more than a desire for “good feelings,” to replace the top heavy, wasteful, bureaucratic nightmare that is nationalized health care administration? The DVC has certainly moved the needle in that direction by tackling the need for basic and preventative services in their community. They can and should serve as a model to replicate elsewhere.
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