Today over 99% of the people in Syria are minding their own business and trying to live their lives in peace.
Today over 99% of the people in Russia are minding their own business and trying to live their lives in peace.
Today over 99% of the people in North Korea are minding their own business and trying to live their lives in peace.
Today over 99% of the people in the U.S. are minding their own business and trying to live their lives in peace.
Meanwhile, a very small percentage of authoritarian parasites in all of those places–including politicians and the hired thugs who work for them (cops, soldiers, tax collectors, bureaucrats, etc.)–are trying to butt into everyone else’s business, which is the main thing preventing people from peacefully living their lives.
If you think “Syria” is the enemy, or “Russia” is the enemy, or “North Korea” is the enemy, or if you think that any other political jurisdiction is the enemy, then you’re falling for the divide-and-conquer, pack-mentality bullshit that empowers the political parasites in all of those places.
In the end there is only one “us versus them” that matters: people who want to be free versus people who want to control and enslave others.