Send her mail. “Balancing on My Toes” is an original column appearing every other Friday at, by Angel M. Ethell. Angel lives in the Chicagoland area with her family: sons Teen (13) and Lil G (2) along with their little sister Cassie Pie (dog), and her partner Daddy G. She loves learning new things…
Category: Original Columns
They’re Catching On
Send her mail. “Balancing on My Toes” is an original column appearing every other Friday at, by Angel M. Ethell. Angel lives in the Chicagoland area with her family: sons Teen (13) and Lil G (2) along with their little sister Cassie Pie (dog), and her partner Daddy G. She loves learning new things…
Learning A Little Disappointment
Send her mail. “Balancing on My Toes” is an original column appearing every other Friday at, by Angel M. Ethell. Angel lives in the Chicagoland area with her family: sons Teen (13) and Lil G (2) along with their little sister Cassie Pie (dog), and her partner Daddy G. She loves learning new things…
Los Fundamentos de Voluntarismo
Escrito por Carl Watner. Traducido por Pace Ellsworth, del original en Inglés, que se encuentra aquí. El voluntarismo es la doctrina de que las relaciones entre las personas deben basarse sobre el mutuo acuerdo, y de ninguna otra forma. Representa un medio, un fin, y una visión. El voluntarismo no planta a forma específica de…
When Did That Happen?
Send her mail. “Balancing on My Toes” is an original column appearing every other Friday at, by Angel M. Ethell. Angel lives in the Chicagoland area with her family: sons Teen (13) and Lil G (2) along with their little sister Cassie Pie (dog), and her partner Daddy G. She loves learning new things…
Dissing the Rich for Fun, Profit, and Public Policy
Send him mail. “Win-Win World” is an original column appearing sporadically on Thursdays at, by Russell L. Roth. Russell is a 30-year marketing veteran and graduate of Jay Snelson’s “Science of Human Interaction” course (he calls it “Win/Win 101”). He has owned and operated businesses in advertising, real estate and internet marketing. He holds…
Οι Βασικές Αρχές του Βολουνταρισμού
Συντάχθηκε από τον Καρλ Ουάτνερ. Μετάφραση από τον Γιάννη Κλαψάκη από το Αγγλικό πρωτότυπο που βρίσκεται εδώ. Ο Βολουνταρισμός είναι το άποψη η οποία πρεσβεύει ότι οι σχέσεις μεταξύ των ανθρώπων θα πρέπει να βασίζονται σε αμοιβαία συγκατάθεση, ή να μην υφίσταται καθόλου. Αντιπροσωπεύει ένα μέσο, ένα σκοπό, και μια βαθειά διορατικότητα. Ο Βολουνταρισμός δεν…
Win-Win Doesn’t Mean You Lose Nothing
Send him mail. “Win-Win World” is an original column appearing sporadically on Thursdays at, by Russell L. Roth. Russell is a 30-year marketing veteran and graduate of Jay Snelson’s “Science of Human Interaction” course (he calls it “Win/Win 101”). He has owned and operated businesses in advertising, real estate and internet marketing. He holds…
The Power Of Saying Yes
Send her mail. “Balancing on My Toes” is an original column appearing every other Friday at, by Angel M. Ethell. Angel lives in the Chicagoland area with her family: sons Teen (13) and Lil G (2) along with their little sister Cassie Pie (dog), and her partner Daddy G. She loves learning new things…
Acerca del Adoctrinamiento
¿Hay una mejor manera de implantar una idea de la historia en la mente de los jóvenes que hacerlos escribir un resumen sobre ello? Van a hacer un poco de investigación con un libro de historia aprobado, y luego escribir una versión simplificada de circunstancias y personas complejas. Una vez que la versión simplista aprobada…