On Silk Road

It looks like Silk Road, the online black marketplace, has been shut down by the supposedly shutdown US Federal Government (I told you they really weren’t, remember?). Though I never traded on Silk Road, I recognized it as a haven for peaceful, voluntary trade and a shining example of ingenuity and innovation. Silk Road has…

On Obamacare

Intervention begets intervention. Obamacare is not the end all of government interference in health-care. It can’t be, and it wasn’t designed to be. Single payer health-care is and always was the ultimate goal. But even that won’t be the end all of government interference in health-care. Again, intervention, the violent interference by individuals calling themselves…

On Global Warming

I don’t care if human beings are causing global warming or not. Individuals with an illegitimately acquired and violently maintained monopoly on the use of force, ie. the state, can’t fix it by threatening everyone with more violence for failing to adhere to their demands. Only free, enterprising, and innovative individuals can solve such a…