On Statesmen

A seemingly respectable politician is often referred to as a “statesmen” and held in high regard by both their peers and the public at large. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Lincoln were Statesmen with a capital S. In my view, statesmen are some of the worst type of statists.

On Monsters

I believe we do our children and the world a major disservice when we fail to recognize one salient point about the evildoers that haunt society: before they were monsters, they were victims. Take one of the worst monsters in history, Adolf Hitler.

On Equal Rights

Many a pundit and protestor demand equal rights for their various interested groups. I applaud and support such efforts on the basis that I too demand equal rights, for everyone. Where they misstep, I believe, is in their failure to distinguish groups from individuals.

On Politics II

The fact that political disagreements can “get ugly” is a feature of politics, not a bug. If politics, the authorized use of violence in society, stuck to protecting everyone’s property rights equally, there’d be no cause for disagreements to get ugly.