On Colonialism

Mine is an admittedly amateurish review of the history of colonialism, but two themes stick out: 1) colonialists primarily desire the physical resources and additional tax cattle of those they are colonizing, and 2) colonialists sell this to its useful idiots (nobles, priests, peasants, and soldiers) as a moral obligation to bring their obviously superior…

On Sex

Here’s a thought experiment: An experienced and wealthy movie executive requires that those who want a part in one of his movies to perform a day of community service at a local hospital where he sits on the Board of Directors

On Borders

The moment a group of people who call themselves “government” enforce their arbitrary border around their supposed jurisdiction is the moment they begin central planning who may live where and who may trade with who. Any libertarian versed in economics can tell you the likely disastrous effects of centrally planning the economic decisions of others.

On Pushing Boundaries II

It is my belief, based on historical review, that progress is primarily advanced by culture and technology, with government policy lagging behind. And how does culture and technology advance progress? By individuals pushing against the moral and political boundaries that have been erected before them.