Create a More Spacious Life

My life is full, which is a wonderful thing — I have lots of people in my life who care about me, want to spend time with me, want to work with me. Amazing! And yet, it’s become clear to me that in order to show up fully for everyone I’m serving … I need to also have space to replenish. To fill up my tank. So I set out to create that space.

Walter Williams, Rest in Peace (1936-2020)

Dr. Walter Williams passed away last night, December 1st, 2020. I’ve mentioned him a plethora of times, along with Dr. Thomas Sowell, as the two springboards that got me into economics, liberty, and ultimately voluntaryism, peaceful parenting, and radical unschooling. Dr. Williams was the first, however, to get me thinking about economics and liberty. He will hold a special place in my heart, and I’m honored to have sat at his feet and learned so much from him. He will be missed. Please take a moment today to watch this telling documentary about him and his work.