Hardwired Grammar

Nobody asked but … A good friend and spontaneous order guru shared an article on why humans have grammar — it seems to be hardwired.  I think this is implicit also in theories of natural order. We understand ideas by connecting their components serially. If the first order is position, then the second is direction.…

Is Science Consensual?

Nobody asked but … Consensus among scientists is unrelated to precision among scientists. Wrong theories have had as much to do with knowledge advancement as correct theories, probably much more.  For how many millennia did humanity believe, claim knowledge of, theories of geology before plate tectonics.  And I fear plate tectonics itself will suffer some…

The Singularity

Nobody asked but … I have very recently been reading The Information:  History, Theory, Flood by James Gleick.  After having absorbed twice the section on the Turing Machine, the coin has finally dropped after more than a quarter century.  I will not attempt to explain the Turing Machine to you, referring instead to a starting…

Rural Filter

Nobody asked but … Speaking of Plato’s Cave allegory, what if we perceived of reality through country music lyrics? Would tractors and trucks be sex objects? Would we think that the things that happen under the influence are all good? Would we all be unsuccessful at love, particularly when we have reached the so-called objectives…

Ubi est iustitia?

Nobody asked but … Ubi est iustitia?  This is Latin for “where is justice?”  I have been listening to a very interesting podcast, Russ Roberts’ Econtalk, with his guest Paul Robinson, on Cooperation, Punishment and the Criminal Justice System.  The gist is that even the most transitory societies may impose rudimentary justice, even at the…