Who Knew?

Nobody asked but … Who knew that Condoleeza Rice would run for the US Senate?  Just when you thought you were safe from the Bush years, eh?   Just when you found out that Jeb! was suspending his campaign (known around the water cooler as quitting), heh heh.  Condi invented such infamous and timeless lines…

But Fear Itself

Nobody asked but … I got into a FB “debate” the other day on whether voting makes a difference — no cliches barred.  Today, I’m looking at it another way.  Would I knowingly partipate in behavior of the kind that endorsed FDR, Churchill, Stalin, and Hitler?  Would I continue a practice that has produced 44…

Ought or Is

Nobody asked but … Hunter S. Thompson Quote: Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn’t got one. Kilgore Forelle Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn’t got…

Face Time

Nobody asked but … Foolish names and foolish faces always appear in public places — some folk wisdom from my youth.  But have you noticed that the state cannot refrain from tooting its own horn.  I suppose this is from another piece of folk wisdom, about getting face time.  This is the hypocritical art of…